African Union 'Fast tracking Silencing the guns by 2020' high-level workshop
On 11-12 October 2018, the African Union organized a high-level workshop on “Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2020” in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The scope of the workshop was to identify elements for an action plan aiming at fast-tracking the implementation of the African Union Silence the Guns in Africa by 2020 strategy. Participants, including high-level representatives from the AU, UN, regional and civil society organisations, agreed on the need to make progresses in several areas, e.g. governance, ensuring the effectiveness of existing mechanisms; involvement of women and youth in all major discussions; ensuring adequate and diversified communications around Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2020.
The high-level workshop on “Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2020” was organized as part of the African Union Master Roadmap of Practical Steps to Silence the Guns in Africa by 2020, adopted by the 28th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union in January 2017
African Union Commission Headquarters
Roosvelt Street (Old Airport Area)
W. 21 K. 19
P.O. Box: 3243
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
T: (251-11) 5513 822
F: (251-11) 5519 321