Arias Foundation 7 Introductory workshops on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in Costa Rica
In the framework of the project: "Capacities and exchange of experiences in the region: clarifying processes in customs and border control to promote inter-institutional coordination for the creation and articulation of policies in search of the effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty ( ATT) ", the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, with funding from the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF), held 7 introductory workshops on the ATT with the Special Policing Unit, specifically the Arms and Explosives Unit, and with the Judicial Investigation Agency of Costa Rica. The workshops goal was to increase knowledge about the Arms Trade Treaty among officials. During the workshops, the following themes were addressed: violence and organized crime and arms trafficking, international arms trade, the history of the ATT, the SICA code (Central American Integration System). This was complemented alongside other mechanisms such as the CIFTA , the UN PoA (Program of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons), UN Firearms Protocol and implementation of the ATT.
The scope of the project, "Capacities and exchange of experiences in the region: clarifying processes in customs and border controls to promote inter-institutional coordination for the creation and articulation of policies in search of the effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)", implemented by Arias Foundation and funded by the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF), is to propose and promote a space for dialogue in Latin America so that representatives of both Civil Society and government institutions share experiences and knowledge regarding the current implementation of the ATT.

Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress
Address: Avenida Segunda, calle 13 y 13 bis, San José
Telephone: +506 2222 9191.
Fax: +506 2257 5011.
Point of Contact: Ana Yancy Espinoza Quirós, Academics Director
Telephone: +506 2222 9191
E-mail: ana.yancy@arias.or.cr