EU P2P ATT OP II Legislative and Regulatory Assistance in Côte d’Ivoire
As part of the second phase of the European Union’s P2P ATT Outreach Project, Expertise France organised in Abidjan, on 6-7 February 2020, the second workshop of the assistance roadmap followed by Côte d’Ivoire.
Gathering representatives from the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons (ComNat-ALPC), the National Assembly and the civil society, this workshop built upon the remote assistance provided, in the autumn of 2018, regarding the preliminary draft model law on the general control regime applicable to weapons, ammunition and other related materials in Côte d’Ivoire.
The EUP2P ATT is a programme of the European Union in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) co-implemented by Expertise France and BAFA. The main objectives of this programme are to promote the effective implementation of the ATT by supporting partner countries in the strengthening of their arms transfer control systems and to work towards the universal adoption of the treaty.

Expertise France
Point of Contact: Caroline PARQUET
E-mail: caroline.parquet@expertisefrance.fr
Website: https://www.expertisefrance.fr/