This page allows states, regional organisations and NGOs to submit information about ATT-relevant cooperation and assistance activities that they have implemented. Simply complete the form below and submit it for inclusion in the activities database. The information submitted may be edited before inclusion but you will have the opportunity to review and approve any changes.

Activities Form

Add a single image file that you feel represents this activity. This can be a .jpg/.jpeg or .png file, using RGB format. The maximum dimensions accepted are 1920px x 1024px. By uploading you confirm you have or have secured permission to use this image in this context.
Wait a few seconds for a preview of the image.

Details about the activity

See the About page for more information on the type and focus of activities. You can add more than one by clicking into the field again.

Any states that benefited from the activity

Areas on which the activity focused

  • The areas on which the activity focused (see ‘About’ page for more information).
  • Drag to re-order taxonomy terms.

Type of activity carried out

Not in there? Add your organization's name and logo below.

The logo can be a .jpg/.jpeg or .png file, using RGB format. It will be displayed no greater than 160x120px. The maximum dimensions accepted are 640px x 640px. By uploading you confirm you have or have secured permission to use this image in this context. Wait a few seconds for a preview of the image.

Not in there? Add your organization's name and logo below.

The logo can be a .jpg/.jpeg or .png file, using RGB format. It will be displayed no greater than 160x120px. The maximum dimensions accepted are 640px x 640px. By uploading you confirm you have or have secured permission to use this image in this context. Wait a few seconds for a preview of the image.

Contact information for website

Contact Information

Individual(s) at the implementing organisation who can be contacted for further information

To submit your activity to our database you need to actively consent to SIPRI holding and processing the data. Full details can be found here. In brief, your non-personal data will be publicly available in the database but we will not actively share any data in any other way with any other party.
Enter the characters shown in the image.
Please type this code in the field below: