BICC weapons and ammunition management assessment workshop in Nigeria
Within the framework of the ‘Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in West Africa 2016-2017’ project, BICC, in cooperation with UNIDIR, organized a weapons and ammunition management assessment workshop in Abuja, Nigeria in 14-16 November 2016. The event was hosted by the Presidential Committee on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PRESCOM). The objective of the workshop was to assist the Nigerian government in establishing a baseline of the existing national weapons and ammunition management framework in line with international voluntary guidelines and standards, namely the International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS) and International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATGs). The scope of this exercise was to inform possible arms control options and approaches to strengthen the national Weapons and Ammunition Management (WAM) framework in Nigeria. The final goal of the WAM assessment's results was to form the basis for future activities by the Nigerian government and international partners in strengthening the arms and ammunition management in the country.
Within the framework of the ‘Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in West Africa 2016-2017’ project, BICC conducts capacity development activities on PSSM in the ECOWAS region, particularly in Nigeria and Mali. These activities include technical assistance and capacity development in the field of PSSM and SALW control and were conducted in close cooperation with Mines Adivsory Group (MAG), the Verification Center of the German Armed Forces (ZVBw) and PRESCOM.

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)
Pfarrer-Byns-Straße 1
53121 Bonn
Phone: +49-228-911 96-0
Fax: +49-228-911 96-22