RECSA Small Arms and Light Weapons Project in the Great Lakes Region and Horn of Africa
From December 2011 to December 2013, RECSA, with funding from Japan and UNDP, implemented a project aiming at enhancing human security in the Great Lakes Region and Horn of Africa by preventing the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. The project, in particular, sought to: 1) support the implementation of national action plans on SALW in states part to the Nairobi Protocol through training, information sharing on best practices and guidelines for disarmament involving National Focal Points and some CSOs; 2) enhance stockpile management practices; 3) support the development of guidelines and standards on practical disarmament; 4) maintain and expand RECSA capacity in terms of human resources and administrative support.
Address: Timau Plaza 7th Fir, Argwings Kodhek Road Nairobi, Kenya