Training on Marking and Registration of SALW in Mali
As part of the third phase of the UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa's (UNREC) 'Technical Assistance to the Government of Mali' project, which focused on support to the Malian National Commission on the Fight against SALW (CNLPAL) on marking, UNREC held a training on marking and registering SALW. The training was in cooperation with the Malian National Commission on the Fight against the Proliferation of SALW (CNLPAL) and covered international standards on marking and registration such as the International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS) and the ECOWAS Convention on SALW.
UNREC's project on 'Technical Assistance to the Government of Mali on Small Arms Control/Support to the National Commission on SALW' follows three phases. The first phase, which aimed at re-operationalizing the Malian National Commission on SALW (NatCom), resulted in the approval of a National Action Plan (NAP) on SALW in February 2014. The second phase of the project (July 2014 – February 2015) aimed at supporting the Government of Mali to implement its NAP in accordance with international arms control mechanisms. Phase three of the project aims to support the NatCom in the marking and registering of SALW in Mali and the development of standard operating procedures for the management of imported weapons.

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC)
B.P. 2705 Lomé – TOGO
TEL : (228) 22 53 50 00
FAX : (228) 22 50 43 15