UNIDIR 2012 Regional Seminar for countries in the Middle-East: "Supporting the Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations through Regional Discussions and Expertise Sharing"
As part of the EU-funded project "Supporting the Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations through Regional Discussions and Expertise Sharing", UNIDIR organized a regional seminar dedicated to countries in the Middle East. The first part of the seminar focused on the ATT negotiations, with an overview of the process and the elements of the future Treaty. Participants had the chance to share their national views on the future ATT and its possible implementation system and hear the views of other countries, regional organizations and independent experts. The second half of the seminar was more technical and practice-oriented, and discussed practical arms transfer control systems in the region, challenges in the implementation of national and regional systems, and possibilities to improve current practices through coordinated measures and transparency.
The goal of the project "Supporting the Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations through Regional Discussions and Expertise Sharing" was to support the preparatory process leading up to the UN Conference on the ATT by broadening discussions and making concrete recommendations and to support states in developing and improving expertise to implement effective arms transfer controls. In addition to the financial support from core funders, UNIDIR received a dedicated project funding from the European Union through Council Decision 2009/42/CFSP “on support for EU activities in order to promote among third countries the process leading towards an Arms Trade Treaty, in the framework of the European Security Strategy”.
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 917 11 41
Fax: +41 (0)22 917 01 76
Email: unidir@un.org