Explosive Remnants of War Disposal Training in Burundi in FY2013
During Fiscal Year 2013 US Africa Command (USAFRICOM) deployed military explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel to Burundi to conduct explosive remnants of war (ERW) disposal training. Training included ERW education and risk reduction, first-responder training with emphasis on blast trauma injuries, stockpiled conventional munitions assessments, and program assessment visits to monitor and improve all aspects of the ERW disposal program. Total costs for the mission were $322,000 which we covered by Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA) appropriation.
U.S. Africa Command
Kelley Kaserne, Unit 29951
PlieningerStrasse 289
70567 Stuttgart-Moehringen
T: +49 (0)711 680-113
E: http://www.africom.mil/contact-us