UNIDIR Weapons and Ammunition Management Baseline Assessment in Ghana
On 15-17 July 2019, the Ghana National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons (GNACSA) in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) organized a three-day national WAM baseline assessment aimed at establishing a baseline of existing WAM activities, institutions and processes in place, identifying areas to be strengthened, and presenting recommendations for programmatic and policy responses to inform the development of a national framework governing the management of arms and ammunition.
The consultation focused on all aspects of WAM, including legislation, administrative processes, technical capability and capacity building, and followed good practices from international technical guidelines, such as MOSAIC (formerly ISACS) and the IATGs. The national consultation offered the opportunity for representatives, experts and practitioners from various Ghanaian institutions and security agencies to engage in dialogue, build trust and improve critical cooperation between themselves to design and implement a strong national WAM framework. GNACSA, the Ghanaian Armed Forces (GAF), the Police Force, the Minerals Commission, the Ghana National Firefighters Service, the Ministry of National Security and Civil Society (WAANSA and KAIPTC)
This activity is part of UNIDIR's research project on strengthening policies and frameworks for weapons and ammunition management on the national, regional and multilateral levels and seeks to promote knowledge among States, regional organizations and the United Nations system on ways to strengthen policy and practice governing the full lifecycle of weapon and ammunition to prevent their diversion and misuse. The baseline assessments are organized under the ownership and lead of the host Governments and take the form of a national consultative process that facilitate dialogue and decision-making among all relevant national security stakeholders on WAM and related security issues.

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E-mail: unidir@un.org
Point of Contact: Himayu Shiotani
Phone: +41 22 917 2181
E-mail: Himayu.shiotani@un.org