RECSA PSSM training in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Descripción de la actividad

On 20-24 August 2018, the Regional Centre for Small Arms (RECSA) and the Democratic Republic of Congo National small arms and light weapons commission (CNC-ALPC), with funding from the African Development Bank, organised a week-long physical security and stockpile management (PSSM) training for 40 senior security officers from the police and the military forces.

Descripción del Proyecto

The 'Strenghtening Regional and National Institutions for Reduction of Proliferation of Small Arms project', implemented by RECSA, with the financial support of the African Development Bank, addresses issues of fragility in the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes region. This project aims to address the need to strengthen the capacity of Member States in the field of arms management. Particularly, the project supports strengthening the capacity of RECSA to coordinate SALW interventions and improved arms management by Member States (Somalia, South Sudan, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo). The project started on 2018 and will be implemented until 2022.

Tipo de actividad
Institutional capacity-building
Enfoque de la Actividad
Inventory and stockpile management
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Regional Center on Small Arms (RECSA)
African Development Bank (AFDB)

Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA)

Address: Timau Plaza 7th Fir, Argwings Kodhek Road Nairobi, Kenya




African Development Bank

Address: Avenue Joseph Anoma, 01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01, Côte d'Ivoire