Technical Risk Assessments of Armouries in Chad

Descripción de la actividad

As part of the 'Regional assistance to Arms Management and Destruction in Sahel-West Africa', MAG was requested by the Gendarmerie and the National and Nomadic Guard (GNNT) to conduct further technical risk assessments of armouries in the geographical area of N’Djamena plus eleven other regions throughout Chad. MAG conducted a joint mission of assessments of Gendarmerie and GNNT sites. This assessment mission started in April with MAG technical experts conducting assessment in N’Djamena, the Southern, Eastern and Northern parts of Chad. A total of 60 armouries and/or facilities where weapons are stored have been assessed. The reports were presented to the authorities to formulate intervention plans respectively with the Gendarmerie and the GNNT. Both authorities have signed a MoU with MAG in August allowing MAG to start activities for identified priority sites MAG continues to liaise with the DGRS, the national department in charge of all weapons and ammunition in Chad, as well as with the armed forces to identify PSSM needs and provide further support.

Descripción del Proyecto

The 'Arms Management and Destruction Programme for Sahel-West Africa' is a regional project co-funded by the US Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement and the German Federal Foreign Office. MAG is working with states in the Sahel and West Africa to identify areas for assistance and improve management of nationally held weapons and ammunition, with the aim of reducing the risk of diversion of items to the illicit market as well as the risk of unplanned explosions in munitions depots. The project aims to contribute to security in the region by equipping states in the Sahel and West Africa with the infrastructure and training to tackle the challenge of conventional arms proliferation in the long term.

Tipo de actividad
Technical material or financial assistance
Enfoque de la Actividad
Inventory and stockpile management
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
Mines Advisory Group (MAG)

Djadranka Gillesen, MAG Regional Representative
M (UK): +44 7818 410483
M (Senegal): +221 77 205 8131