RECSA ATT sensitization workshop for government officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Descripción de la actividad

On 23-24 October 2018, the Regional Centre for Small Arms (RECSA) and the Democratic Republic of Congo National small arms and light weapons commission (CNC-ALPC), with funding from the UN Trust Facility Supporting cooperation in Arms Regulation (UNSCAR), organized a sensitization workshop for government officials aimed at fast-tracking the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Kinshasa.

Descripción del Proyecto

RECSA, with the support of the UN Trust Facility Supporting cooperation in Arms Regulation (UNSCAR) is conducting national-level workshops in selected member states with the aim of raising awareness and building the momentum towards ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty in the RECSA region. The campaign provides a forum for inter-agency dialogues between various state agencies involved in the ratification of international security-related instruments.

Tipo de actividad
Sensitization and outreach
Enfoque de la Actividad
International instruments
Regional instruments
Transfer controls
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Regional Center on Small Arms (RECSA)
UN Trust Facility Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation (UNSCAR)