UNLIREC and Mexico launch collaborative effort to strengthen arms and ammunition control in the private security sector
In the framework of a project on ‘Strengthening Oversight and Building Capacities for Small Arms Control and Nonproliferation in the Private Security Sector’, UNLIREC and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), conducted an Executive Seminar on Good Practices and International Standards in the Private Security Sector on 13 March 2018 in Guadalajara, Mexico. The project, funded by Germany, aims at reducing the risks of diversion of firearms and ammunition from private security companies through the promotion of arms control measures and international standards among the national authorities responsible for overseeing the sector and the private security companies themselves. These standards include the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC), as well as the International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS) and the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG). The project envisages technical assistance and capacity building activities targeting the private security sector in Mexico and the governmental authorities that regulate and supervise it.
The ‘Strengthening Oversight and Building Capacities for Small Arms Control and Nonproliferation in the Private Security Sector’ is a project implemented by UNLIREC and DCAF with the financial support of the German government. The scope of the project is that of reducing the risks of diversion of firearms and ammunition from private security companies through the promotion of arms control measures and international standards among the national authorities responsible for overseeing the sector and the private security companies themselves.

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Address: Av.Jorge Chávez 275, piso 3, Miraflores Lima, Perú
Telephones: (+51 1) 625-9114, (+51 1) 625-9100
Website: http://unlirec.screativa.com/en/