UNRCPD Training Workshop to Build Capacity of Southeast Asian States for Strengthening the Implementation of the UN Programme of Action on SALW

Activity description

This workshop was organized by UNRCPD, in cooperation with the Government of Laos, with funding provided by UNSCAR. It sought to increase capacities of states in South-East Asia to effectively utilize the PoA reporting mechanism on efforts to prevent and combat illicit trade in SALW. The workshop provided practical advice and skills on collecting national data, as well as preparing and submitting national reports online. UNRCPD organized and conducted two practical exercises aimed at building capacity of States representatives in planning national measures to effectively control SALW and providing practical skills in preparing reports to the PoA. It also sought to develop increased understanding of how PoA reporting can contribute to and support national efforts toward meeting Sustainable Development Goal 16.4. In addition, it provided an opportunity for the participants to discuss synergies between the PoA reporting mechanisms, the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and possible elements of National Action Plans.

Project description

The training workshop was a part of the UNRCPD project on Building Capacity of NPCs in Asian States for Streamlining and Strengthening Implementation of the UN Programme of Action on SALW and facilitating their accession to the ATT. The project seeks to build capacity of the Central and Southeast Asian Member States, and in particular their PoA National Points of Contacts (NPCs), on the effective implementation of the PoA as well as to raise awareness on the synergies with the ATT and promote its ratification. The activities include two sub-regional meetings in Central and Southeast Asia as means to also enable the Member States to implement the ATT and attain SDG16 and its Target 16.4.

Type of Activity
Institutional capacity-building
Technical material or financial assistance
Focus of Activity
International instruments
Regional cooperation
Reporting on arms transfers
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
Transfer controls
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Viet Nam
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD)
UN Trust Facility Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation (UNSCAR)
Contact Details

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific
E-mail: info@unrcpd.org
Mr. Yuriy Kryvonos, Director
Phone: +977 5548581 (ext.207)
Mob.: +977 98 01018511
E-mail: yuriy.kryvonos@unrcpd.org
KSK Building, 4th Floor
Lagankhel, P.O. Box 107
Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal