Supporting Peace and Security in Africa: Towards Collaborative Actions for Combating Illicit Small Arms and Ammunition
As part of the project on 'Supporting EU-China-Africa Dialogue on Conventional Arms Control' the Expert Working Group held a seminar bringing together more than 60 senior international arms control officials and experts, Chinese officials, scholars and think tanks, as well as diplomats and representatives from international organisations based in Beijing. Participants exchanged views on the need to refocus SALW intervention on impact and to consolidate joint efforts, by China, the EU and the international community as a whole, to tackle illicit SALW circulation on the African continent. The seminar analyzed the importance of regional initiatives in Africa and common challenges in implementing regional disarmament instruments. The analysis was followed by two case studies from Kenya and South Sudan to reflect the linkages between broader global/regional/national policies and local initiatives.
Following an EU Council decision on 27 February 2012 a two year project on 'Supporting EU-China-Africa Dialogue on Conventional Arms Control' was launched on 5 June 2012. The project aimed at enhancing dialogue between the African, Chinese, and European civil society and research communities on conventional arms control and the struggle against illicit proliferation and circulation of SALW through an 'Africa-China-EU Expert Working Group on conventional arms,' and its activities. The Expert Working Group set its objectives to promote practical trilateral collaboration to address the proliferation of SALW in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa by assisting in the implementation of the UNPoA, existing regional programmes such as the Nairobi Protocol, and to support the ATT negotiation and subsequent ratification process.

Bernardo Mariani, Head of China Programme
Africa Peace Forum
Amb. Ochieng Adala, Acting Executive Director
T:+254 20 3874092 / 3871099 / 3871141
F:+254 20 3872803