1st UNASUR Regional Encounter on Firearms and Civilian Explosives Control
The purpose of this First Regional Encounter on Firearms and Explosives for Civilian Use, organized by Peru’s National Superintendence for the Control of Security Services, Arms, Ammunition and Explosives for Civilian Use (SUCAMEC), to carry out a debate and exchange of experiences among UNASUR Member States on the situation of firearms, ammunition, and explosives in the region. In this meeting the use of a regional common online platform for the exchange of information on firearms control was considered, the strengthening of the national control system of civilian firearms was discussed, the need for marking civilian use firearms and ammunition was agreed to in order to facilitate their tracing and combat and prevent illicit trafficking, the importance of correct inventory and stockpile management was agreed, and it was concluded that arms trafficking is a shared problem which undermines citizen security and risks people's rights.
Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR)
Address: Av. Manuel Córdova Galarza, Mitad del Mundo, 170311 – Quito, Ecuador
Phone.: (+593 – 2) 399 0900
Email: secretaria.general@unasursg.org
Website: http://www.unasursg.org/en