UNASUR's Seminar on South American Defence Industrial-Technology Cooperation
The purpose of this seminar was to incentivize cooperation and information exchange between UNASUR Member States in matters of defence and technology material production, sale, procurement and the development of defence products and systems. Likewise, the seminar aimed to generate an integrated information exchange system on defence industry and technology.
The Council of South American Defence (CDS, for its initials in Spanish) main purposes are: (i) to provide a platform for defence and military policy information exchange and cooperation among South American nations; (ii) guarantee a South American zone of peace; (iii) shape a common vision on defence; and (iv) support demining and provide prevention and relief assistance to victims of natural disasters.
Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR)
Address: Av. Manuel Córdova Galarza, Mitad del Mundo, 170311 – Quito, Ecuador
Phone.: (+593 – 2) 399 0900
Email: secretaria.general@unasursg.org
Website: http://www.unasursg.org/en