UNASUR IX Meeting of the South American Defence Council Executive Body
This meeting, carried out in Suriname, had the purpose of presenting the final report on a methodology to shed light on military stockpiles reporting and agree on the application of a standardized form. The Centre for Strategic Defence Studies will have the technical responsibility of the Registry of South American Military Stockpiles. The South American Registry of Military Stockpiles and its respective form are unique regional experiences in what relates to military inventories. This initiative is an expression of the Measures to Foment Confidence and Security that have been constituted by the South American Defence Council. This register systematizes and sheds light on the reality of each Member States and their military stockpiles.
The Council of South American Defence (CDS, for its initials in Spanish) main purposes are: (i) to provide a platform for defence and military policy information exchange and cooperation among South American nations; (ii) guarantee a South American zone of peace; (iii) shape a common vision on defence; and (iv) support demining and provide prevention and relief assistance to victims of natural disasters.
Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR)
Address: Av. Manuel Córdova Galarza, Mitad del Mundo, 170311 – Quito, Ecuador
Phone.: (+593 – 2) 399 0900
Email: secretaria.general@unasursg.org
Website: http://www.unasursg.org/en