UNODC’s national training course on investigation and prosecution of firearms trafficking in Mali
UNODC's Global Firearms Programme organised a national training on investigation and prosecution in Bamako, Mali. This five days training was aimed to define, develop and promote higher standards of investigation and prosecution of illicit firearms trafficking. The main objective of this training was to increase participants' practical knowledge in the following areas: firearms investigations methods, investigation triggers, identification and tracing of firearms, the use of data and the implementation of international cooperation, in line with international instruments on firearms.
During the week-long training, participants benefited from a series of lectures and practical exercises on different topics including firearm identification and tracing, intelligence gathering and investigations, and international cooperation, inter alia. Practical exercises were particularly conductive to getting key messages across.
The training was part of the GFP's project "Countering transnational illicit arms trafficking in the Sahel and Maghreb sub regions" made possible thanks to the contribution from the Government of Germany.

Vienna International Centre, Room E1245, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – UNODC
Tel.: (+43-1) 26060
E-mail: gfp@un.org
Point of Contact: Silvia de Pedro
Phone: (+43-1) 26060-83288
E-mail: silvia.depedro@un.org