UNMIL-UNREC arms-marking exercise and legal arms database in Liberia
The Liberian Government, in collaboration with UNREC and the United Nations Mission In Liberia (UNMIL), provided support to mark arms of the military forces in Liberia and to create a database to keep track of legal arms in the country. These activities, which were part of the assistance to be provided to Liberia under Security Council Resolution 2190, included : 1) registering arms used by Liberia's Security Forces; 2) marking weapons of Liberia's Security Forces and 3) registration of arms and weapons. As part of this programme, a total of 27 Liberian security sector officers have been trained on marking, registering and record-keeping of arms. Over 40 weapons collected during the Liberia Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programme were marked, registered and destroyed during practical exercises at the training.
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC)
Address: B.P. 2705 Lomé – TOGO
Tel : (228) 22 53 50 00
Fax : (228) 22 50 43 15
Email: mail@unrec.org