5th AU-Regions Steering Committee on SALW and DDR
The fifth meeting of the AU regions Steering Committee on small arms and light weapons (SALW) and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) brought together the AU Commission, RECs and regional bodies with a SALW mandate to enhance synergies in the control of the illicit proliferation, circulation and trafficking in SALW, as well as in DDR initiatives across the continent. The meeting noted the need to integrate DDR efforts into wider stabilization efforts on the continent, to develop Terms of Reference and to undertake a feasibility study on how to develop community based DDR programs in close collaboration with partners and Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development unit. As a way forward, the meeting agreed on a set of action points and activities to be implemented by the members of the Steering Committee in the areas of illicit SALW control and DDR over the next six months. The meeting was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
African Union Commission Headquarters
Roosvelt Street (Old Airport Area)
W. 21 K. 19
P.O. Box: 3243
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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F: (251-11) 5519 321
E: situationroom@africa-union.org
Webmail: https://webmail.africa-union.org/owa/
W: http://www.peaceau.org/en/