CAN Member States Advance Common Marking Standards of Small Arms
The purpose of the Andean Regional Seminar on Arms and Ammunition Marking was to propose a homogenized and standardized regulation for small arms and ammunition marking at the sub regional level. In this seminar, the 'Technical Guide for Marking of Small Arms and Ammunition' by UNLIREC was revised and a consequent first technical draft of the Andean common norm was proposed. The sub regional norm that was proposed was in line with international instruments and it was held as ground-breaking leadership in arms control measures. Together with CAN's General Secretariat, UNLIREC, the OAS, and the French Cooperation also participated.
This Seminar took place under the umbrella of the CAN Decision 552 (2003): The 'Andean Plan to Prevent, Fight and Eradicate Illicit Trafficking in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects'. This pioneer, legally binding instrument, aimed to strengthen the capacity of Andean States to control the manufacture, trade, transportation, possession, concealment, usurpation, carrying, and use of small arms and light weapons, as well as to identify, trace, confiscate, and destroy them. The Decision 552 provided specific mechanisms and lines of action at the national, sub-regional and international level. The plan derived most proposition measures, adding strength, from the UN 2001 PoA on SALW and the CIFTA.
Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN)
Address: Av. Paseo de la Republica 3895, Distrito de Lima 27, Lima, Perú
Phone: (01) 7106400