CAR PSSM Project in Mosul
As part of a pilot project in Iraq CAR organized and delivered a series of PSSM activities in Mosul. These included trainings promoting good physical security and stockpile management, joint visits to stockpile facilities, and a needs-assessment conducted by CAR’s Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO) and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) expert. In conducting these activities, this pilot project aimed at laying the ground for further studies on PSSM issues in Iraq, and work to decrease the risk of conventional arms diversion from Iraqi stockpiles into the black market or to non-state actors, as well as to reduce the risk of explosive accidents at stockpile facilities.
The Mosul PSSM project aimed to achieve three key goals: 1) to enhance the Weapon and Ammunition management (WAM) and PSSM capacity of Iraqi and Peshmerga forces; 2) to support Iraqi and Peshmerga forces to accurately identify WAM and PSSM priority areas; and 3) to identify gaps in current WAM and PSSM requirements, identify appropriate internal processes and resources to fill those gaps, and present accurate needs forecasts for future work with international assessment programmes.

Conflict Armament Research
PO Box 74665, London, WC1A 9PE, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 203 355 6575
Point of Contact: Devin Morrow, Senior Investigator/Project Manager