EU P2P ATT OP II cooperation activity on the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty in Togo
On 4-7- February 2019, in the framework of the second phase of the European Union's P2P ATT Outreach Project, Expertise France organized a workshop in Lome, Togo, on the topics of inter-agency coordination in arms transfers controls and questions related to transit and transhipment. Following the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by the Republic of Togo in 2015, the Government aims to modernise the national legal framework in order to reflect existing international good practices in the field of arms transfer controls. The National Commission for the Fight against the Proliferation, Circulation and Illicit Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (CNLPAL) works on this process with an interministerial drafting committee tasked with finalising a draft law, supported by the EU ATT OP, implemented by Expertise France and BAFA (Germany). The workshop in Lome was also organized to contribute to the finalisation of the text.
The EUP2P ATT is a programme of the European Union in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) co-implemented by Expertise France and BAFA. The main objectives of this programme are to promote the effective implementation of the ATT by supporting partner countries in the strengthening of their arms transfer control systems and to work towards the universal adoption of the treaty.

Expertise France
Point of Contact: Caroline PARQUET