Field Forensic Firearms Exploitation (F3E)

Activity description

From December 2018 to November 2020, the Conflict Armament Research is implementing a project providing assistance on Field Forensic Firearms Exploitation (F3E). Utilising new technologies and advanced forensic exploitation techniques, CAR uses a range of in-field activities including enhanced documentation, forensic exploitation and mark recovery, alongside traditional CAR activities (technical analysis, trace investigations, and reporting), to fill an important knowledge gap on untraceable weapons. This data will lead to better understanding of illicit transfer and mark obliteration. The F3E project also includes a component to mitigate the risk of serial mark obliteration rendering state held SALW untraceable, through the integration of RFID tags. This approach will permit more stringent day to day PSSM practices for the issue and receipt of SALW as well as enabling investigators to identify the origin of sanitized materiel, when documented in the field

F3E facilitates collection of samples from SALW components across all CAR programmes in different regions of the world. Activities include:
• Metal and plastic analysis is anticipated to assist investigators in differentiating between genuine and counterfeit weapon systems, supporting weapon identification in areas such as Afghanistan and West Africa, where quantities of weapons are artisinally manufactured to a high standard.
• CAR and its implementing partner will fit RFID tags to SALW as part of a limited scope, pilot initiative in Burkina Faso. This will prove the concept and provide useful metrics for the development of larger programmes moving forward. 
• CAR will develop reference materials to support weapon identification; supporting ongoing capacity building efforts across all programmes. In addition, CAR will curate a samples library, to support future comparative analysis.
• CAR will develop field expedient marks recovery methods which rely less heavily on hazardous chemicals; supporting national partners to observe hitherto unavailable data in support of investigations. 

Type of Activity
Institutional capacity-building
Focus of Activity
Inventory and stockpile management
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
Burkina Faso
Conflict Armament Research (CAR)
European Union (EU)
Contact Details

Conflict Armament Research
Address: PO Box 74665, London, WC1A 9PE, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 203 355 6575
Point of Contact: Jonah Leff