UNODC Global Firearms Programme Training in Niger on the investigation and prosecution of firearm trafficking cases
From 17 to 19 May 2021, the UNODC Global Firearms Programme delivered a training course on the investigation and prosecution of firearms trafficking cases and related crimes targeted at magistrates from the judicial pole and specialized chambers of the Niamey Court of Appeal and officers from the National Central Service against Terrorism and Organized Crime. The activity was part on UNODC’s efforts in the fight against transnational organized crime and terrorism in the country, which include mentoring support to national institutions.
The objective of the training was to strengthen the technical and operational capacities of magistrates and investigators to be able to best carry out parallel investigations on illicit firearms trafficking and related cases, leading to prosecution and adjudication.
The training was facilitated by UNODC and national experts, and focused on providing magistrates and investigators with a better understanding of topics such as the international, regional and national legal framework on firearms; firearm identification and tracing; international judicial and police cooperation and interagency cooperation, as well as respect for human rights. The training was made up of practical exercises simulating real scenarios.
The activity was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Government of Germany to UNODC’s Sahel Programme aimed at effectively combating illicit trafficking, organised crime, terrorism and corruption in the region. The activity was embedded in the overall efforts of the UNODC Global Firearms Programme to support Niger in the fight against illicit firearms trafficking, including operational support and mentoring.