UNODC Specialized practical training on the investigation and prosecution of firearms trafficking and related offences in Central African Republic

Activity description

On 8-12 April 2018, UNODC, through its Global Firearms Programme, organized a specialized practical training on the investigation and prosecution of firearms trafficking and related offences in Central African Republic. The training is aimed at increasing the capacities of national authorities in the CAR on the investigation and prosecution of illicit firearms trafficking and related cases. The training marks the beginning of its work in collaboration with the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons. UNODC has been working with the NatCom in identifying activities in their draft National Action Plan that it can support, particularly in terms of harmonization of legislation, as well as the provision of capacity building to improve the investigation and prosecution of firearm trafficking and related offenses. 
The training was conducted by UNODC and local experts from the NatCom, and also counted with the support of experts from MINUSCA and UNMAS. During the week long training, participants from law enforcement and criminal justice agencies and institutions will receive practical skills to counter illicit firearms trafficking, including proper firearm identification, tracing procedures as well as intelligence gathering and investigation, and international cooperation, among other relevant topics. 

Project description

The training was supported by UNODC's EU funded project: "Countering transnational illicit arms trafficking through the implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and its Firearms Protocol". 

Type of Activity
Institutional capacity-building
Technical material or financial assistance
Focus of Activity
Border controls
International instruments
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
Transfer controls
Central African Republic
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
European Union (EU)
Contact Details

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Global Firearms Programme

Vienna International Centre, Room E1245

Tel.: (+43-1) 26060
Point of Contact: Silvia de Pedro
Phone: (+43-1) 26060-83288