Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation and its impact on Development in Africa- Event by Control Arms and ACRL-RfP

Descripción de la actividad

The African Council of Religious Leaders-Religions for Peace (ACRL-RfP) held its third General Assembly in Abuja, Nigeria on 18th – 20th October 2016, mobilising over 150 religious leaders from all over Africa. During this event, ACRL-RfP host a group caucus on “Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation and its impact on Development in Africa” on 19th October 2016 in order to raise the profile of armed violence and conflict in Africa among faith communities. The event provided 20 religious leaders with an in depth understanding of the Treaty’s provisions and their application at the national level. The participants discussed why and in which ways religious leaders can support the Treaty’s universalization and implementation in their respective counties. In 20 December, a report back to the ACRL-RfP 3rd General Assembly ensured that all 150 participants were informed about the discussions and outcome of the caucus event.

Descripción del Proyecto

The #ArmsFreeAfrica campaign, a signature focus for Control Arms in 2016, is intended to help reduce the damaging effects of violence caused by the poor regulation of arms transfers in Africa. Its goals are to raise the profile of the threat posed by armed violence, support further universalization and effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in Africa and raise the profile of African Control Arms coalition members. Building on Nigeria’s position as President of the second Conference of States Parties to the ATT (CSP2016), the #ArmsFreeAfrica campaign seeks to highlight the related problems of armed violence and chronic, cyclical conflict in Africa.

Tipo de actividad
Sensitization and outreach
Enfoque de la Actividad
International instruments
Regional cooperation
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
Transfer controls
African Council of Religious Leaders-Religions for Peace (ACRL-RfP)
Control Arms
Control Arms

Control Arms Secretariat
Address: 205 East 42nd Street, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10017, USA
Telephone: +1 (212) 687-3146

African Council of Religious Leaders-Religions for Peace (ACRL-RfP)
Linnet Ngayu