WRA-RECSA PSSM Project FY2006-FY2014
The United States provided more than $2.2 million to the Regional Center on Small Arms (RECSA) between FY2006 andFY2014 to purchase 36 weapons-marking machines. The marking of firearms is ongoing in nine member states of RECSA: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. RECSA destroyed more than 400,000 SALW and over 9,854 tons of UXO. Recently, funding directly supported SALW destruction activities focusing on MANPADS proliferation, arms brokering, and stockpile security. All RECSA member states have agreed to adopt MANPADS-control guidelines partially as a result of these efforts. In FY2014, the U.S. government contributed $500,000 for conventional weapons disposal (CWD) in the Great Lakes Region. The Department of State supported the deployment of weapons-marking teams in Burundi, Tanzania, and Uganda; provided member states with refresher training and spare parts for equipment; and strengthened RECSA as an institution through administrative capacity building.
The US Department of State’s Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (WRA) project for RECSA states aims to enhance regional security through capacity building of the Military and Police in Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM). The project objectives included: 1. to develop the host nations capacity in PSSM standards through training; 2. to improve conventional arms and ammunition PSSM; and, 3. to contribute to strengthening the institutional capacity of the RECSA Secretariat.
The Regional Centre on Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and Bordering States (RECSA)
RECSA Secretariat
The Executive Secretary
PO Box 7039
00200 Nairobi
T: +254 20 2622659, 2621958
F: +254 20 3877397
E: info@recsasec.org
W: www.recsasec.org
Twitter: @recsasec and @recsaexecsec ”