Third Training Course in Implementation of the ATT
The ATT Network organized a third professional training course on the implementation of the ATT in Geneva (the second one in English), which was opened to officials and NGOs from countries that had signed the ATT. It offered an opportunity to review the obligations contained in the ATT, understand the implications of its entry into force and its implementation for States Parties, in particular in establishing control lists for exports and imports or conventional arms as well as regulation of transit, transshipment, and brokering. Some focus was also made on international cooperation in preventing or fighting the diversion of licit arms trade to illicit markets.
The ATT Network was launched in September 2013 by the Geneva Forum and GCSP. Since May 2015, it is composed of: the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP), the GCSP, Small Arms Survey, and UNIDIR. It acts as a platform to exchange information, elaborate and provide practical guidance on ATT implementation, build related capacities and implementation resources, develop networks among implementation actors and communities, and help states preparing for ATT follow-up meetings. The Network is inclusive, informal, and works through activities such as thematic public meetings, training workshops, working group discussions, and the production of implementation guidelines.
Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Maison de la paix
Chemin Eugene-Rigot 2D
P.O. Box 1295
CH – 1211 Geneva 1
T: +41 22 730 96 00
F: +41 22 730 96 49
Marc Finaud, GCSP Senior Programme Advisor, ATT Network Coordinator