African Union Ammunition Sensitization Workshop in Guinea-Bissau 2017

Descripción de la actividad

On 2-3 August 2017, The African Union, under its Ammunition Safety and Security Management Initiative, conducted a workshop on safe and secure management of ammunition in Guinea Bissau. The workshop aimed at sensitizing and facilitating exchange among national stakeholders on the application of best practices and standards, including the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG). As part of the workshop, participants visited ammunition storage sites in different regions of Guinea-Bissau to assist the national authorities in identifying immediate and medium term enhancements to safety and security of ammunition storage.

Descripción del Proyecto

The African Union (AU) Ammunition Safety and Security Management Initiative, launched in 2017, aims to assist Member States in reducing the risk of unplanned explosions at munitions sites, and prevent diversion of government-held stockpiles. Through the initiative, the AU assists Member States in assessing gaps in ammunition management, and subsequently extends technical and operational support to meet the identified needs, including through mobilizing and facilitating the delivery of international assistance. In implementing the project, the AU works closely with several implementing partners, including Halo Trust, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and UNMAS

Tipo de actividad
Institutional capacity-building
Sensitization and outreach
Enfoque de la Actividad
Inventory and stockpile management
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
African Union (AU)
The African Union Commission - Defence and Security Division
Roosevelt Street (Old Airport Area) W. 21 K 19 P.o.Box 3243 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia