Small Arms Survey assistance to build national capacity to develop brokering controls in African countries

Descripción de la actividad

The Small Arms Survey, with funding from UNSCAR and as part of the project 'Building National Capacity to Develop Brokering Controls', conducted training workshops  in Namibia and Zambia in June 2017 and in Ghana in December 2017. Around 70 people attended the workshops and participants represented broad cross-sections of relevant national ministries and organizations in each country.
In preparation, a background paper was produced for each workshop, tailored to address the country’s situation with regards to brokering regulation.
After each workshop, the Survey provided the partner country with a report that summarized the participants’ deliberations and included recommendations for brokering provisions for national legislation.

Descripción del Proyecto

The project 'Building National Capacity to Develop Brokering Controls' was implemented by the Small Arms Survey and funded by UNSCAR in 2017.  It aimed to build awareness and understanding on the nature and scope of the brokering commitments under the PoA and the ATT in Ghana, Namibia and Zambia.

Tipo de actividad
Institutional capacity-building
Legal or legislative assistance
Sensitization and outreach
Enfoque de la Actividad
Brokering controls
International instruments
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls
Transfer controls
Small Arms Survey (SAS)
UN Trust Facility Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation (UNSCAR)
Small Arms Survey
Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2E 1202 Geneva Switzerland
+41 22 908 5777