EU ATT Outreach Project II - Sub-regional Workshop in Costa Rica
A Sub-regional Workshop was organised by the implementing entity BAFA in San José, Costa Rica, on 22-23 January 2020, in the framework of the EU Arms Trade Treaty Outreach Project (EU ATT OP II). This activity was the last out of three sub-regional workshops for the Latin American region in the current project phase; the first one had taken place in Iquitos, Peru (May 2018) and the second one in Leticia, Colombia (April 2019).
The Sub-regional Workshop gathered a total of 60 participants from the different authorities involved in ATT implementation in Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Belize, Haiti, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago. While the majority of participants came from the countries Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia, following a proposal of Costa Rica also a smaller number of participants from Peru, Belize, Haiti and Trinidad and Tobago had been invited, which allowed to extend the perspective from Central America into both geographical directions: South America and the Caribbean (CARICOM states).
The agenda focused on the exchange of experiences with ATT implementation and best practices among the invited countries and included a number of roundtable discussions and presentations as well as cases shared by the invited countries.
Overall, the Sub-regional Workshop in San José counted with numerous and active participation and offered a forum for open debates about the different agenda items and challenges that the invited country face when implementing the ATT. In this way, the event managed to foster the exchange at the crossroads of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The activity was supported by five international experts from Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, CARICOM IMPACS and the Small Arms Survey.
The goal of 'EU ATT Outreach Project (EU ATT-OP)', as part of the European Union Partner-to-Partner (EUP2P) Export Control Programme, is to support the effective implementation of the ATT. Upon request, the project will support a number of States in strengthening their arms transfer control systems with a view to being able to implement the ATT. The project also aims to increase awareness and ownership of the ATT at national and regional levels and therein contribute to its universalisation. A second edition of the project was initiated on 29 May 2017 by Council Decision 2017/915 and it is co-implemented by BAFA and Expertise France.The EU ATT Outreach Project has three different components: 1) Tailored National Assistance Programmes; 2) Ad-hoc Activities; and 3) Regional Seminars. National assistance programmes are developed in close cooperation with partner countries. Key elements of national assistance programmes are: an initial needs assessment visit; inclusive roadmap development; and, practical support follow up activities.

German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA)
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