INTERPOL and SICA-CASAC improve Forensic Policing Capabilities for Central America
The courses organized at the national level had the objective to train law enforcement forces by providing a refreshed knowledge on investigations and enhance cooperation in criminal investigations between police services. The training consisted of the training on the iARMS database, fingerprints, DNA, and how to gather evidence from crime scenes where firearms have been used. The courses were delivered with the technical and financial support of the project “Support to the fight against illegal possession and trafficking of firearms in Central America and neighbouring countries” managed by the CASAC program of the Secretariat General of the System for Central American integration (SG-SICA) with funding from the European Union, and the accompaniment of the Regional Bureau of INTERPOL in El Salvador. This joint training initiative, aimed at delivering firearms training, was carried out in the following member countries from Central America: El Salvador, Belize, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama.
The Support for the fight against illegal possession and trafficking of firearms in Central America and neighbouring countries project of the Central American Program for the Control of Small arms and Light Weapons (CASAC), implemented by the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (GS-SICA), aims to strengthen States' capacities to improve the performance of regional and national organizations dedicated to the control and the fight against the illicit firearms traffic and explosive material in Central America in coordination with neighbouring countries.

Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA)
Address: Final Bulevar Cancillería, Distrito El Espino, Ciudad Merliot, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, El Salvador
Phone: (503) 2248-8800