UNODC Global Firearms Programme Workshop on data collection and analysis to support the monitoring of illicit arms flows in Guyana
On 9 December 2021, s part of the project “Supporting the implementation of the crime prevention and criminal justice component of the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap”, the UNODC Global Firearms Programme (GFP) organised a workshop in Guyana to present UNODC’s efforts in monitoring the illicit arms flows and the achievement of SDG Target 16.4 and in supporting national efforts to collect and analyse firearms-related data to be able to respond to the Illicit Arms Flows Questionnaire (IAFQ). The workshop included a presentation on the SDG 16.4 delivered by the UNODC-INEGI Centre of Excellence, followed by a presentation examining each question of the IAFQ by GFP addressing possible challenges to answer each of them. The workshop also included a practical exercise and a plenary discussion and exchange of experiences that would enable to identify needs and strengthen capacities to respond to the IAFQ and to monitor illicit arms flows. As a result of the workshop, Guyana officially nominated a national focal point to report annually to UNODC on the IAFQ.
The activity was part of the project “Supporting the implementation of the crime prevention and criminal justice component of the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap”, aimed to prevent and counter illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms and their links to transnational organised crime and other serious crimes, and ultimately to address the scourges of armed violence in the region by:
- Enhanced capacity of criminal justice system to counter illicit proliferation and misuse of firearms in the context of the Caribbean Roadmap and reinforce legislative and regulatory frameworks to comply with international and regional instruments
- Enhanced capacity of criminal justice institutions and border management services to detect, investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate illicit firearms trafficking cases and related offences, and to engage in effective law enforcement and judicial cooperation for that purpose.
- Promote effective international cooperation and sharing of information and good practices among firearms and organised crime practitioners on the prevention and combat of firearms trafficking and related crimes, through regular contacts and use of specialised cooperation networks and platforms.
- Monitoring illicit trafficking flows through enhanced periodic data collection and analysis on firearms and related matters.