UNIDIR Examines Options and Models to Enhance Cooperation and Strengthen End Use/r Control Systems
The purpose of this event was to offer insight into potential areas that could be further examined in strengthening end use/r control systems. It was a side-event aimed at introducing UNIDIR's project during the First Conference of States Parties (1CSP) to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The side-event was expected to facilitate discussions on challenges and opportunities in strengthening end use/r control systems, and generate ideas on enhancing cooperation, common understanding and alignment in measures in this area, in order to support the effective and practical implementation of the ATT.
UNIDIR's project, Tackling Diversion (Phase II): Promoting Regional Dialogue to Enhance Common Understanding and Cooperation to Strengthen End Use/r Control Systems, aims to provide a platform to identify potential areas for cooperation, shared understanding and possible alignment of measures to strengthen end use/r control systems at the regional/sub-regional levels. The project recognizes that greater cooperation and alignment between states with regards to common practices and procedures in end use/r control systems will enhance the ability of relevant national stakeholders to more effectively identify and mitigate the risk of arms diversion.
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
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Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 31 86/15 83
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Email: unidir@unog.ch
Website: http://www.unidir.org