UNLIREC delivers its assistance package ‘Enhancing Public Security through Crime Prevention and Firearms Control in the Andean Region’
UNLIREC’s ‘Enhancing Public Security through Crime Prevention and Firearms Control in the Andean Region’ integral assistance package was designed to facilitate the effective implementation of national, regional and international firearms instruments, through the strengthening of national firearms control measures, as well as enhancing law enforcement community outreach and prevention activities. The assistance was delivered in the form of: (i) Inter-Institutional Training Courses on Combating Illicit Firearms Trafficking for law enforcement officials and legal practitioners; (ii) comparative legal studies and legal opinions; (iii) technical and training assistance in destruction processes and stockpile management best practices and donation of relevant equipment; (iv) high-level seminars and one binational border control course; (v) support for the implementation of the Andean Community (CAN) Decision 552 with the purpose to enhance sub regional public security, promote better small arms control and provide technical guidance on small arms and ammunition marking practices; and (vi) support for disarmament and arms control outreach campaigns, for the creation of national commissions on firearms and the integration of baseline studies and National Action Plans (NAPs).
UNLIREC's assistance project, “Enhancing Public Safety through Crime Prevention and Firearms Control in the Andean Region” provided assistance to Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru to increase national capacities and expertise of the law enforcement community to better control the legal firearms trade and prevent and combat illicit firearms trafficking. This project was made possible thanks to the financial support of Canada. Spain and Finland provided complimentary financial support.

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Address: Complejo Javier Pérez de Cuellar Av. Pérez Aranibar 750 Magdalena del Mar – Lima 17, Perú
Phone: +51 1 6259114
Fax: +51 1 6259100
Email: information@unlirec.org
Website: http://unlirec.org/