EU ATT OP II - Fifth Roadmap (Online) Activity for Peru
On 6 and 7 April 2021, BAFA implemented an online workshop as part of the roadmap for the partner country Peru in the framework of the EU ATT Outreach Project (EU ATT OP II). The workshop was conducted via the online platform Zoom. The main objective of this activity was to build capacity among the relevant authorities of Peru for the compilation of the annual report on conventional arms transfers to be sent to the ATT Secretariat. For this aim, the workshop addressed the key obligations of the ATT including reporting, the classification of arms as well as the correct use of the reporting template. The online workshop was attended by a total of 37 participants, representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of Defense; the three branches of the Armed Forces (Army, Air Force and Navy); the National Police (PNP); SUCAMEC and SUNAT. The event kicked off with welcome remarks by the Subdirector of International Security, Control and Disarmament, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Peru and BAFA. This was followed by a presentation about the obligations of the Arms Trade Treaty for Peru as a State Party. In the second part, the presentation focused on the obligation to provide an annual report about export and imports of conventional arms with the aim to improve transparency and to contribute to a full mapping of arms transfers among the international community. The speaker underlined the requirements of reporting and explained which data have to be included into the reporting template issued by the ATT Secretariat, which is the model used by Peru.The second day started with a presentation about the classification of conventional arms according to the eight categories stipulated by Art. 2.1 of the ATT. Afterwards, the Peruvian participants were invited to join a practical exercise on how to file the ATT report completely and correctly. They were asked to enter six examples of transfers and the related data into the template. This exercise allowed the participants to work with the original reporting template and to think about the best way to provide the required information. Apart from the difficulty of classifying some of these arms, many practical questions arose during the exercise. These related e.g. to the currency which these should be indicated (USD or soles); the difference between authorized and effective transfers and how to streamline given information; the required level of detail regarding the end-user and the possibility to provide additional comments in the last column. The activity is expected to ease future reporting as it contributed to a better understanding of reporting requirements and the use of the reporting template. The online workshop was supported by two international experts from Mexico and the United Kingdom and organised by BAFA.
The goal of 'EU ATT Outreach Project (EU ATT-OP)', as part of the European Union Partner-to-Partner (EUP2P) Export Control Programme, is to support the effective implementation of the ATT. Upon request, the project will support a number of States in strengthening their arms transfer control systems with a view to being able to implement the ATT. The project also aims to increase awareness and ownership of the ATT at national and regional levels and therein contribute to its universalisation. A second edition of the project was initiated on 29 May 2017 by Council Decision 2017/915 and it is co-implemented by BAFA and Expertise France.The EU ATT Outreach Project has three different components: 1) Tailored National Assistance Programmes; 2) Ad-hoc Activities; and 3) Regional Seminars. National assistance programmes are developed in close cooperation with partner countries. Key elements of national assistance programmes are: an initial needs assessment visit; inclusive roadmap development; and, practical support follow up activities.