EU ATT OP II - Fifth Roadmap (Online) Activity for Peru (2)
On 18-20 May 2021, BAFA implemented an online workshop as part of the roadmap for the partner country Peru in the framework of the EU ATT Outreach Project (EU ATT OP II). The workshop was conducted online via Zoom. The main objective was to sensitize the participants regarding the contribution of the ATT for the prevention and combat of diversion and illicit trafficking of arms – particularly SALW - and their ammunition as well as to discuss two practical instruments proposed by the Treaty: Risk analysis and record-keeping. The online workshop was attended by a total of 115 participants, representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as, in the vast majority, the different regional branches of SUCAMEC. An introductory session was followed by a presentation about the role of the ATT in preventing, detecting and fighting the diversion and illicit trafficking of arms, and it also addressed treaty’s definitions. Both this and the following presentation on the synergies between the ATT and other international and regional instruments such as the UNPOA, the Firearms Protocol and the CIFTA, were presented by an EU expert. The second day was dedicated to risk assessment for the authorization of exports (and other transfers) of arms as required by Art. 7 of the ATT, which is one of the main instruments that the Treaty obliges State Parties to have in place in order to prevent diversion and illicit trafficking. First, SUCAMEC reported about the measures its applied in this respect. Afterwards, the processes of risk assessment at the Spanish Guardia Civil were presented. In particular, the requirements for the authorizations of transfers, including additional documentation and the importance of the end-user certificate were highlighted. The third day focused on record-keeping as a means to control arms and ammunition transfers, as required by Art. 12 of the ATT. Again, a representative of SUCAMEC presented first on how record-keeping of arms and ammunition transfer is dealt within this organization. This was followed by a presentation of record-keeping in the Spanish Guardia Civil. After a Q&A session with all participants, both SUCAMEC and the international expert team presented their conclusions from the workshop and on the way ahead, which highlighted, among others, the importance to prevent corruption among state officials, the importance that each agency has its clear role within the decision-making process, transparency about the processes and requirements, the use of robust informatics systems to collaborate, store and keep information, as well as continuous capacity-building among the, often rotating, staff.
The goal of 'EU ATT Outreach Project (EU ATT-OP)', as part of the European Union Partner-to-Partner (EUP2P) Export Control Programme, is to support the effective implementation of the ATT. Upon request, the project will support a number of States in strengthening their arms transfer control systems with a view to being able to implement the ATT. The project also aims to increase awareness and ownership of the ATT at national and regional levels and therein contribute to its universalisation. A second edition of the project was initiated on 29 May 2017 by Council Decision 2017/915 and it is co-implemented by BAFA and Expertise France.The EU ATT Outreach Project has three different components: 1) Tailored National Assistance Programmes; 2) Ad-hoc Activities; and 3) Regional Seminars. National assistance programmes are developed in close cooperation with partner countries. Key elements of national assistance programmes are: an initial needs assessment visit; inclusive roadmap development; and, practical support follow up activities.