SICA-CASAC Hold Inter-sectorial Regional Seminar on Dismantling Firearms Trafficking Criminal Structures
The purpose of this regional seminar, organized in collaboration with the Central American Program for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (CASAC, for its inititals in spanish) was to bring together judges, prosecutors, police investigators, and government representatives from all Central American States member of SICA to address illicit firearms trafficking from an integrated approach. The overall aim was to define combat mechanisms to counter illicit trafficking departing from regional instruments, harmonization and modernization of legal frameworks, good practices in police and judiciary matters and dismantling firearms trafficking organized criminal structures.
The purpose of the Programme to Support the Central American Security Strategy (ESCA, for its initials in Spanish) is to promote regional security and development processes by combating crime, preventing violence, promoting penitentiary security, rehabilitation and reinsertion, and strengthen institutional capacity to combat transnational organized crime. This strategy also aims to orient coordinated actions on regional security matters.

Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA)
Address: Final Bulevar Cancillería, Distrito El Espino, Ciudad Merliot, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, El Salvador
Phone: (503) 2248-8800