SICA-CASAC Strengthen Border Controls, Police and Customs capacities to Combat Small Arms Illicit Trafficking
SICA-CASAC delivered training courses with the objective of assisting Central American States strengthen national Customs and police operative capacities to detect and intercept small arms and parts and components hidden in containers and luggage. The course has both theoretical and practical modules and it was designed as a response to the illicit trafficking modus operandi of smuggling small arms and parts and components in small shipment through entry points (airports, ports, and land checkpoints). That is, the so-called 'ant trade'. The training provided also aimed to develop interinstitutional coordination and reaction protocols among relevant authorities in the face of detected and intercepted illicit trafficking operations.
The Support for the fight against illegal possession and trafficking of firearms in Central America and neighbouring countries project of the Central American Program for the Control of Small arms and Light Weapons (CASAC), implemented by the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (GS-SICA), aims to strengthen States' capacities to improve the performance of regional and national organizations dedicated to the control and the fight against the illicit firearms traffic and explosive material in Central America in coordination with neighbouring countries.

Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA)
Address: Final Bulevar Cancillería, Distrito El Espino, Ciudad Merliot, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, El Salvador
Phone: (503) 2248-8800