UNLIREC and Central American States discuss importance of sharing ballistics evidence and information
In the framework of UNLIREC's Caribbean Operational Ballistics Assistance Package, UNLIREC, with funding from Canada and the USA, conducted a series of activities from 21 - 24 August 2017 with representatives from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Two activities were aimed at carrying out technical assessments of the ballistics laboratories of the National Forensic Science Institute (INACIF), as well as the Scientific Police ballistics laboratory. The results were discussed during a national roundtable with government stakeholders. The third activity was a regional meeting with representatives from Central America and the Dominican Republic to discuss opportunities for the sharing of information and ballistics evidence both within and among states.
UNLIREC's Operational Forensic Ballistics Assistance Package aims to support Caribbean governments in their efforts to combat illicit trafficking in firearms and ammunition and the resulting impact on armed violence through: (i) strengthening national capacities on operational forensic ballistics; (ii) the establishment of sound national operational forensic ballistics systems; and (iii) establishing effective information management and sharing of forensic ballistics information within governments, regionally within the Caribbean and internationally via INTERPOL. The project's overall goal is to reduce armed violence and impunity by strengthening the national and regional capabilities of the law enforcement communities.

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Address: Av. Jorge Chávez 275, piso 3, Miraflores Lima, Perú
Telephones: (+51 1) 625-9114, (+51 1) 625-9100
Email: information@unlirec.org
Website: http://unlirec.screativa.com/en/