UNLIREC contributes to UN 'Joint Programme Strengthening Human Security and Community Resilience by Fostering Peaceful Co-Existence in Peru'
As part of the UN Joint Programme 'Strengthening Human Security and Community Resilience by Fostering Peaceful Coexistence in Peru', UNLIREC, between 2014 and 2016, has carried out: (i) a technical workshop on illicit firearms trafficking, held in Trujillo (34 security sector personnel trained; (ii) an international seminar on the role of local governments and communities in the reduction of armed violence, held in Trujillo; (iii) two firearms destruction activities, destroying a total of 3,322 firearms and training 27 government officials; (iv) support the state-designed awareness raising campaign on the responsible use of pyrotechnics (close to one thousand children sensitized on the responsible use of pyrotechnics); (v) a youth sensitization campaign on the impact of armed violence in the society. UNLIREC also contributed to a Seminar on ‘Citizen Security from a Human Security Perspective’ delivering a presentation on small arms control measures including the findings of household surveys on citizens’ attitudes towards weapons.
The UN Joint Programme, carried out by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), and the UN Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC), 'Strengthening Human Security and Community Resilience by Fostering Peaceful Coexistence in Peru' aims to develop a sustainable and multisectorial model for reducing crime and safeguarding human security in three of the most vulnerable and at risk communities of Trujillo, Peru, with emphasis on empowering these communities. This is to be achieved by establishing practical and replicable models for: (i) an integrated and prevention-oriented program to reduce serious crime rates; (ii) reducing gender-based violence in high-risk, crime-ridden communities; and (iii) reducing youth involvement in criminality.

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Address: Complejo Javier Pérez de Cuellar Av. Pérez Aranibar 750 Magdalena del Mar – Lima 17, Perú
Phone: +51 1 6259114
Fax: +51 1 6259100
Email: information@unlirec.org
Website: http://unlirec.org/